Inventory Software
Inventory Software Features
- Dashboard: Graphically view of all income expanse and product stock.
- Item/Category List: Add, View, edit, delete all Type of product.
- Customer Info: All Customer add ,view, edit, delete and print.
- Supplier Info: All supllier add ,view, edit, delete and print.
- Purchase: All type of product purchase in this menu form Supplier with printing.
- Sell: All type of product purchase in this menu form Supplier with printing.
- Payment: Supplier and customer payment received.
- Stock: Show all type of Product Stock.
- Others Income: Others Income add in this menu.
- Expense: Add all type of Expanse and View date to date search.
- Purchase Report: All purchase show with Total price and due price.
- Sale Report: All purchase show with Total price and due price.
- Expense Report Daily, weekly and monthly expanse report show.
- Company Ledger All history show one click.
- Balance Sheet: Daily, monthly and yearly purchase ,sale, expanse and others income report show.
- Loan/Lend Panel: All type of loan and lend view payment, received and show all history of loan/lend
- Employee Panel: Add employee salary and convince. show employee list.
- Banking: Bank registration and money deposit and withdraw and show all type bank history.